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Your Hosts

Your Hosts & Owners are Jonathan & Clement


Both Jonathan & Clement have over 30 years in the hospitality field. From working, to managing and consulting in hotels; they have carried their extensive knowledge into their own business.

Clement has a full European education in the Hospitality field. He has worked and managed many European as well as New York hotels; they range from The Carlyle Hotel in New York to Kulm Hotel in St. Moritz. He has extensive kitchen knowledge as he worked for many 5 star hotel restaurants. We call him the expert on historic information as he is well versed in this area as well as New York. Guests who normally need information about New York can often turn to him for that assistance. 

Jonathan holds a Bachelors in International Management and has a detailed background in the consulting and managing of similar business types. In keeping with family generations before him; he started his first business in his early teens where he found an appreciation, and developed the intuition for successful business ventures. After he finished his Bachelors, he went on to managing and consulting for several successful budget hotels. He is usually the one checking you in, and handles each guest throughout their stay. 


"When we set off to begin our own establishment we knew we wanted to do something different. Something that gave us a sense of joy and proudness; something along the line of an establishment that enhances a visit to our great city. By offering unique accommodations, in the form of a guest house we where able to achieve this goal. Another way we do this is by trying to offer consistant person-ability, and a homey atmoshphere. When you arrive at Bubba and Bean (BB) Lodges - do not expect a hotel atmosphere, but instead a home to call your own when visiting New York."

" We love what we do! We call it our Labour of Love. We live very simple lives and value it this way. Our wealth comes from how we feel about our guesthouse. "

"The saying is true that when you find something you love to do and, at the same time make a living from it;
life becomes simplified and happier. The best feeling is that you do not feel like you are working. "


Although our guesthouse is constantly reinventing itself; guest still find the accommodations most satisfying.


(If that was not enough about your Hosts):


Clement loves to travel.
His Favourite place is Italy.
He loves to cook and try new recipes.
He loves keeping busy and eating at restaurants (and at the same time no less).
He Loves walking around the city looking at architecture.


Jonathan loves to travel .
He has no specific place he likes - his only requirement is that it remains above 27'C everyday where-ever he goes.
He loves good wine (usually only white).
He loves Belgian Chocolate (actually he likes "quality" chocolate).
He also loves eating at new, different restaurants.

© 2022 by  Bubba and Bean Lodges. 

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